weight lose

It is common to follow a juice diet to lose weight. In addition, choosing the right juices in the diet and drinking them at the right time will help the body get nutrients and prolong weight loss.

That too with juices made in the right way, the body gets the fiber it needs. It ensures a sense of satisfaction and provides instant energy to the body.

How much juice can you drink?

It is good to drink juice on an empty stomach when one wakes up in the morning and before meals. In the morning the body recovers from the detoxification process that took place throughout the night. Then a nutritionist says that it is best to drink juice as the first meal when you wake up in the morning. And to get the benefits of different fruits one is recommended to drink different fruit juices 2-3 times a day.

And that expert, should start with 200 ml of juice first. Says. Thus in the beginning, drinking juice will flush out the toxins in the body. Thus having to urinate frequently. He also says that when the body gets used to it, you can drink up to 250-300 ml of juice.

He also recommends drinking vegetable and fruit juices as an alternative to breakfast and evening snacks. It almost reduces calorie intake. Somehow the fiber in these keeps the stomach full for a long time so stay away from junk foods. Also juices are alkaline. Thus these help greatly in reducing body weight.

Fruits or juices.
Lemon Juice

Fruits are rich in fiber. These promote digestion. When fruits are made into fruit juices, the fats, minerals and proteins in them are lost and this does not give the body sustainable energy. So it is better to eat fruits as they are than to drink fruit juices. Fiber acts as a swab for the colon and intestines. So it is wise to eat fruit instead of fruit juices.

Fiber-free juice raises blood sugar levels and raises blood sugar in the short term. This leads to mood swings. At the same time, the nutritionist says that fruits do not raise blood sugar levels.

At the same time to get the best results in weight loss, make a juice and drink it together with vegetables and fruits that are rich in complex carbohydrates, protein, good fats and fiber. Below are a few such juices.

Gooseberry and cactus juice

Gooseberry and Cactus Juice is an immune boosting drink that is rich in anti-oxidants and nutrients. Leading to better digestive function.

Cranberry Juice

Cranberry juice is packed with many benefits. Studies show that they help reduce the risk of chronic diseases, heart disease, diabetes and stroke. Essentially this juice prevents the spread of bacterial infections. Cranberry juice is high in antioxidants and it is good for people with kidney problems.

Pineapple Juice

Pineapple is high in the enzyme bromine and is good for digestion. They are rich in fiber and vitamin C. The bromine in this fruit is low in nutrients and is very good for the respiratory tract.

Pomegranate juice

Pomegranate has anti-inflammatory properties and anti-cancer antioxidants. Studies show that it protects muscles and improves strength. As this fruit is high in Vitamin C and Iron, it helps to increase hemoglobin levels and control diarrhea.

Carrot and beetroot juice
Photo by ROMAN ODINTSOV from Pexels

Recipe: Put the above ingredients in a blender, add a little water and grind well. Drink this juice before exercising. This gives the body the energy it needs to exercise.

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