Pregnancy and childbirth can keep the minds of women happy throughout the period. There are embarrassments in that. One of them is birthmarks on the abdomen.


During pregnancy the uterus expands as the baby grows. This expands the skin of the abdomen and causes stretch marks on the abdomen and around the waist. Lines will be lower if this is taken care of from the beginning and treated appropriately.

Plus, you'll be getting rid of clutter you don't need after childbirth. But these lines can be easily overcome only if there is continuous maintenance. So what materials should be used. Let's learn how to use it.

Tea Tree Oil

These are essential oils used for skin and hair care. This oil is made from the stem part of the tea.

When used on the skin, it protects the face from dryness and prevents acne and blisters. Its anti-microbial properties help prevent corrosion and prevent ulceration.

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Mix three times coconut oil with tea tree oil, mix well and massage in a circular motion on the scars on the abdomen. Massage for 10 minutes and leave on.

These should penetrate the skin so leave the skin unwashed. If you do this once a day, the scars may gradually disappear.

Shia Butter

Schiaphert is known for his ability to treat skin rashes. Shea butter extracted from the fruits of the shea tree contains vitamin A and E. It contains fatty acids, nutrients that can benefit the skin. These help to increase the secretion of collagen which maintains the health of the skin.

This will reduce the appearance of bumps on the stomach. These will also restore the skin from dryness. Helps to repair damaged cells in the skin and maintain good health.

Buy Shia Butter and massage the scars. Do not wash after applying this as it is smooth like butter. Can be left as is. Apply as many times as you want per day. There is also benefit.

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar helps a lot in darkening the skin. In addition it helps to brighten and moisturize the skin. These help to prevent wrinkles, especially on the skin. Helps reduce stomach blemishes as they are acidic.

Pour apple cider vinegar into a small spray bottle and spray it on the scars. Let it dry as it is. Then wash the area clean and apply moisturizer to the skin. If you continue to be patient, you will definitely get the benefit.

Argan oil

The oils made from Morocco are slightly more expensive, but they are also very important for the skin and hair. Even if they get on the skin, they are a thin, low-density oil that penetrates deep into the skin and cleanses and removes scars.

It is rich in Vitamin E which nourishes the skin and makes it glow like new skin. No need to add any other oil. Take only a teaspoon of this and massage it at night. Take a bath as usual the next morning. These will make the scars disappear.

Coffee powder scrub

The caffeine in coffee is antioxidant. Frequent use of this will make the scars on the skin disappear. Coffee powder should be used as a scrub.

This means that the pregnant woman has a lot of blood in the body from this symptom!

Mix aloe vera gel with coffee powder, add sugar to scrub and scrub the area where the scars are on the stomach. If you do this regularly once a week, the scars on the stomach will disappear.

All five of the above can be effective in reducing postpartum stretch marks. Definitely beneficial if used consistently and maturely.

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