Simple Ways to Get Healthier With Minimal Effort over 50 year old  


If you want to get healthy, nutritious food, daily exercise, etc. is essential. 

This is also what doctors recommend. Physical activity is essential if our body is to be healthy. Exercise has become a necessity in today's world of sitting and working. 

However, our body will only be in a position to listen to what we say for a certain period of time. Alas, I say aging just for the sake of it. 

As we age our body does not cooperate with us. We just have to adapt ourselves to the strength of the body. We also need to do exercises that are appropriate for our body's energy. 

The problem is that if you do an exercise better at a young age then you will do it at the age of 60.

 Now we are going to know just a little bit more about them.

Physical strength, which usually begins to decline over the age of 30

can have a number of benefits from regular exercise, such as balanced energy, better brain function, less risk of developing chronic diseases, and the absence of memory loss in old age. 

However, after a certain age, the muscles in the body begin to weaken. Studies show that over the age of 30, body strength decreases by 3 to 8 percent every decade, and over the age of 60 it decreases significantly. 

Some exercises, such as jogging, swimming and walking, occupy an important place in the list of exercises that provide health benefits. However, there are certain types of exercises that should never be done after the age of 50 to avoid physical injury. 

Let’s find out about them.

Leg press

leg press exercise
People who suffer from joint problems such as arthritis and sprains and bursitis should avoid foot exercises. This exercise can damage the ligaments and ligaments around the knee joints, creating unnecessary pressure on the knees.

Dead lifts

Dead lifts

Deadlift is one of the most intense exercises. This puts you at greater risk of injury to the knee. Especially those over the age of 50 should avoid this exercise. Usually as you age, your muscles begin to lose strength. Also, it can lead to spinal cord injury.


This can cause knee pain or injury as many joints are involved during squat exercise. People with arthritis or knee injuries should stop squatting. Only then can pain in the joints be avoided.


Bench press

Failure to do bench press properly can endanger the shoulders, wrists and chest muscles. But, after aging, your joints can no longer bear or handle the stress and weight that can occur when engaging in bench press training. This can lead to excessive risk.

Bench press

Lot-Bull Down Lot Bull-Down is an exercise that can work multiple joints and muscles simultaneously. Pull the weight on the back of the back during this exercise. Also, it can put a lot of pressure on the anterior limb area of ​​the shoulder. Therefore, one should never try to do this exercise beyond the age of 50.


Only low-impact exercises such as jogging, walking, and cycling can benefit people over the age of 50. These exercises do not cause any injury or damage and can only cause minimal pressure on the muscles and ligaments.

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